The other place I have been hiding in my blog absence is Pinterest. It is my favorite bookmarking tool ever. I know most of you have heard of it already but for those of you who have not, Pinterest is a social media site where you post, or rather, pin photos of inspiration from all around the internet. You follow other people's pins and can repin the things that are inspiring them. It is a wealth of inspiration. I pin fashion inspiration, things I want to buy for the crooked shmooked house, things for the babe, DIYs, recipes, you name it. My Internet Explorer favorites tab is pretty much empty now. Pinterest has taken over and fulfilled all of my bookmarking needs. Everything thing you need to know about starting up an account can be found right here.
And since I am constantly finding inspiration on Pinterest, I will be starting up a weekly post called how PINTERESTING! to share that inspiration with you.