
30 before 30

30 things I'd love to accomplish before I'm 30. If I complete them all, I will be floored. I'm hoping that having them all written down here will motivate me to actually do them. As I complete things, I will blog about them and link back here. Here I go...

1- Get a family portrait taken. (Done on 12.10.12)
2- Make a new friend.
3- Take a photography class.
4- Learn to bake a pie.
5- Decorate our bedroom.
6- Decorate our office/craft room.
7- Get in a routine of working out 3 times a week.
8- Take a trip to Disneyland.
9- Read through the Bible.
10- Write a children's book for the kids.
11- Try 30 easy dinner recipes.
12- Repurpose 10 clothing items. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...)
13- Go on 4 mommy and me dates with just the kook.
14- Get a good emergency supply kit together.
15- Get a tattoo.
16- Purge everything not needed/loved.
17- Create a file system for important documents.
18- Start a journal of cute things the kids say.
19- Visit an aquarium.
20- Paint a piece of furniture.
21- Participate in Kids Clothes Week Challenge. (Done!)
22- Write letters to 5 friends.
23- Learn to make goat ice cream.
24- Do a juice/raw food cleanse with hubby once I'm done breastfeeding (if it's before I'm 30).
25- Make a quilt.
26- Start a family dinner/bedtime routine.
27- Make a dent in my craft supplies through crafting with the kids.
28- Read 2 parenting books, 2 devotional books, and 2 fiction books.
29- Compile a wedding album!
30- Make awesome 30th birthday plans with my best friend.