

NIFTY THRIFTY: money falling from the skies

On Friday the babe and I set out with my 37 weeks pregnant sister-in-law to hit up some thrift stores in her city. Okay, money wasn't really falling from the sky, but remember last week when I talked about my bag of change coming thrifting with me? Well, first I did rely on my bag of change. I bought a tiny oval frame and this milk glass Pyrex veggie dish.

But then I spotted a vintage crib. It was labeled "doll bed", but I thought it looked pretty big for it to have been originally intended for that purpose. Either way, I was cringing because I knew I didn't have money for it. I left the store reminding myself that sometimes I'll find treasures that I simply can't afford at that time. My sister-in-law wanted to go in a consignment shop all of us sisters-in-law consign at to check for some shoes she wanted. I decided to check my balance even though I went in recently and didn't have anything at that time. I was happy to learn that they owed me the small fortune of $26. I collected and we visited a couple more stores before I realized I could now afford the crib! See? Money falling from the skies! Luckily the crib was still there when I got back and I was so happy that I gushed my story to the elderly woman cashiering. So that is the glorious story of last week's thrifting. The babe's nursery is teeny tiny right now so the crib won't fit in there to hold her stuffed animals and such, but when we add a second babe to the mix someday, they will share our bigger now guest room and the crib will fit in there just perfectly. So all that to say- yay!

The other yay moment is that I was telling my sister-in-law about how I was wanting a dress form and she said she would be selling one at her garage sale the next day! She told me all I needed to know about it and later sent me some photos and I bought it from her, fulfilling all my vintage dress form desires. How serendipitous! Hubby is a bit spooked out by a body on a stick, but I promise not to make it jump out at you or hide it in our bed. :)

I forgot to mention this vintage tin recipe box last week. It was with my $4 finds and I love it. I need to start writing my favorite recipes down now that I have a pretty place to put them--- besides the internet.

And I have to show you that I found a perfect place for one of last week's embroidery finds. It was the only completely empty wall in my kitchen and nothing seemed to fit there quite right- until now. I love when things fall into place like that.

I'm linking up to Apron Thrift Girl's Thrift Share Monday and can't wait to see what the rest of you found!


  1. I really like how you've got your Pyrex displayed on top the the wardrobe. Also, my mother bought a doll bed that matches your little crib exactly (it is only big enough for a small doll) at an antique shop several years ago for my oldest daughter. How fun to know that they made these for actual babies!

  2. I gush stories to sales clerks too.
    Sounds like a fun day of shopping.

  3. Those are some awesome finds! I prefer garage saling over antique stores (we don't have that many in town) and have found some neat things lately, namely a cute IKEA tent for the tot and a wooden dollhouse.

  4. Thank you for the comment on my blog.
    These are some lovely finds. I'm not off to explore the rest of your blog!

  5. Great story! What a beautiful crib, and good thing you were skeptical about it being for a doll.

  6. Cute crib! Thanks for stopping by my blog :). Yes I did use it for my little one, but only for the first three and a half months while she was in our bedroom. Then she moved in with her sister and into a full size crib. She was always swaddled up real tight and obviously wasn't rolling over yet, so it was safe. It would be a super cute way to store stuffed toys if you decide not to use it for your baby. Congratulations! Enjoy all the fun sewing and preparations that come with waiting for a new little one :).

  7. crazy! I just bought that EXACT recipe tin at the new goodwill on fourth st!


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