

the tree farm experience

Hubby went by himself to get our Christmas tree from Costco the weekend of Thanksgiving. Super festive, right? We did it that way last year too. The thought of tromping around a tree farm to find the perfect tree with a kook and babe just wasn't appealing. I'm really looking forward to when they can both hike through the trees with us and help find a tree but this year wasn't the year to start that tradition. Even though we weren't there to find the perfect tree, we still visited a local tree farm for the experience of it all. We visited the petting zoo, took a horse-drawn carriage ride, stepped into the gift shop for 3 minutes, let the kook carry a saw around and walked around looking at the trees. The kook was enamored with the tiny tree. The crazy photo of her is her "TA-DA!" proclamation. All things tiny are her favorite. We were there just long enough to enjoy the amazing California holiday weather and leave when the kook started to throw her attitude around. Yeah. That happens. It was at that moment that hubby and I were thankful that we weren't in the middle of trying to find a tree and that we took the easy Costco way out. Right before leaving we hit up a stranger to take our family photo and it's one of the best ones we've gotten minus the little man looking away. Yay for strangers that know how to use cameras! Because as we all know, if there are no pictures to prove it, it didn't happen.

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