

hair today, GONE TODAY

Today my hair went from this:

To this:

Ah! Welcome back, pixie. My head is officially ready for summer.


  1. I LOVE IT! Welcome back to the short hair club. I love that it takes me 5 minutes in the shower and 5 minutes out to completely style my hair. Your cut looks fantastic, I'm glad you went even shorter than Audrey.

  2. So you went to Clint! I've only been to him once but was very impressed (he convinced my buddy Dustin to go into doing hair) and is very good. I felt like he was very into looking at pictures online and getting just the right thing. Love it. He's one of the only people I will trust with my hair now.

  3. OMG! I love it! You totally have the face for the pixie. It looks adorable on you! I am talking Emma Watson adorable!

  4. Hilary- Thanks! Yeah, it's pretty amazing to have short hair, huh? It's a mother's dream- a fashionable wash and go cut.

    Jess- I did! I really liked him! I'm a perfectionist with my hair and I'm glad he is too. He took so much time to make sure every little bit laid perfectly.

    Ms. Givens- Ha! Thanks! High compliments! I love Emma Watson's hair! :)

  5. you look adorable both ways....but amazing in that pixie!!! enjoy

  6. It looks really cute! I am the opposite: my hair has got to be long, I have pixie envy!

  7. Wow! That takes a lot of courage. It looks super! Very becoming.

  8. you look fantastic! love your new look. p.s. found you through something i pinned on pinterest and so glad i did. your blog is so sweet!


Hello there! Thanks for the note. I love hearing from you! You are a blessing to me! <3