

CORNERS of the living room

If you have been around Crooked Shmooked since the beginning then you know that this blog was started as an attempt to follow what was supposed to be a quick remodel. It turned into over a year of the husband and I living with my parents while our house was worked on by family on and off. It was finally finished a month or so before the babe was born, but I haven't given a house tour yet and have been nervous to show any photos with decorating gaps throughout the house. My ideal was to have the remodel and decorating done before April of 2010 when Lil' A was born, but as Robert Burns said-- The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.

So, no living room tour yet, but these are some corners that I am liking right now...
1 - our unfinished photo wall: prints by Katie Daisy and JellyBeans, triangle collage by me
2 - thrifted globes
3 - a dottie angel wall hanging, gma and gpa back in the day, a tin found in my German gma's sewing kit after she passed, a bird terrarium a friend brought me when I was sick, thrifted milk glass with gma's wooden daisy
4 - IKEA lamp, World Market curtain, Nick & Nora zebra print blanket, vintage embroidery
5 - thrifted paint by number, vintage and antique books from various places, brass swans from the sister


  1. Husband of love4/07/2011 07:02:00 AM

    I like your corners. A lot.

  2. Stopping by from the Blog Hop.
    I like how your living room has character to it. Like each item is a conversation piece.
    I love the swans

    Kim @

  3. Hi there! Love your blog, I am a new follower from seeing you on Spearmint Baby. My blog is -
    - if you wanna check it out!

  4. Hi! Here from the bloghop. I love the colors in your house. And you sound really fun and funky. And I'm following you now. :)

  5. Those globes are great! Love the books too! It's looking good! Can't wait for the reveal!

    I'm a new follower from the hop. If you have time, please hop by and visit me:


Hello there! Thanks for the note. I love hearing from you! You are a blessing to me! <3