

today I'M...

I'm currently...

Listening to: Mumford & Sons
Baking: kale chips
Munching on: banana & peanut butter
Crafting: a fabric tree decal for baby girl's nursery
Planning: baby girl's 1st birthday party- only in my head so far
Wearing: Hudson jeans, a black and white striped tee, and hubby's white socks- his are always comfier
Loving: my big deer pillow Christmas present from the in-laws
Thinking About: consignment shops
Wanting: striped towels for the bathroom
Needing: honey and sleep

What are YOU up to this week?

MUST have

I'm loving Anthropologie's Must-Have Collection. Everything looks so cool and comfortable yet chic. I'll make it easy for you, Anthro. I'll just take one of each. Thanks.


DADDY the stylist

Hubby and baby went to church together this morning while I slept since she kept me up most of the night. Hubby dressed her. It made me smile.

I hope your Sunday was full of smiles too.


daily duds: 1.26.11

Shirt: gift from sisters-in-law, I have no idea where from - Vest: American Rag from Macy's - Jeans: LOFT - Boots: Born from Macy's

Well I'm lucky to have even gotten out of my pjs and into presentable clothing today. Baby girl is teething up a storm and definitely running the house. She's barely eating, yelling at me if I attempt to put her down and do something--- like get dressed (heaven forbid I try to put clothing on!), and wants to be rocked all day. She's been teething for a long while but it got intense yesterday. Come on little teeth! Push your way through! Anyway- it's been a crazy day and I have gotten absolutely nothing accomplished besides putting this outfit on.
I don't wear much jewelry as of late which is not like me at all, but it was time to put away the big jewelry when little hands started grabbing the dangly things from my ears and little gums started nawing on anything hanging from my neck. These days my daily jewelry consists of stud earrings, my wedding ring and this right hand ring. Hubby got me this ring from Brilliance Found for Christmas. I absolutely love it.

I have two pairs of Born boots and love them both with a burning love that starts deep in the soles of my feet. Hubby got me these ones for Christmas two years ago and they are seriously the comfiest boots I have ever worn. I can wear them walking and on extended shopping trips and my feet are as happy at the day's end as they were in my slippers at home.
How is your day going?

this is REAL LIFE, people

Hubby and I often talk about how things that happen in real life are so much more interesting and unbelievable than anything anyone could imagine up. Real people are so much crazier than movie characters. Real situations are so much funnier than Seinfeld.... no, actually, Seinfeld is based on real life so it's pretty much just as funny as real life. Real life never fails to shock me and make me laugh- and that laughing often happens when I'm recalling funny instances from the week and am all by myself (i.e. wearing a baby--- which is pretty much all by myself because baby can't really contribute a lot to conversations at this point) strolling around a store where people can see me laughing to myself.
(Sidenote: Don't people look crazy when they are all alone and smiling? Whenever movies try to depict a crazy person, at some point they are just eerily smiling to themselves. I saw someone walking on the sidewalk the other day and they were just smiling to themselves and I thought, "Caaaaraaazyyy!" but then I remembered I do that all the time. I must look like a crazy too. Okay, I suppose I am. :End Sidenote)

Real life is too funny to not share the silly things that are seen, overheard, and experienced, so I have decided they will have their place on Crooked Shmooked. Because really, I want to turn you all into smiling and laughing crazies, like me. :)


up & coming

Well darn. I just cleaned up my Google reader to put the hundreds of blogs I'm subscribed to in folders and delete those that I no longer read and then I stumbled upon the list of up and coming blogs from Alt Summit.... and now I am adding more blogs all over again! There are too many wonderful bloggers in the world!

your FAMILY as ART

In lue of or in addition to getting family portraits done every few years, I would love to start commissioning family art pieces. How amazing would it be to just have a wall of your family year to year as depicted by different artists?


daily duds: 1.23.11

Shirt: Anthropologie, probably 6 years ago - Jacket: Anthropologie, 3 years ago - Pants: Anthropologie this Christmas - Heels: JCPenney - Baby: mine

Okay, I know I said you'd probably never see me in heels but my usually anti-heels feet put these 2-inch pumps on this morning and said, "heeeey! these aren't so bad! and we look pretty dang good!", so the ban on heels might be off--- if I can find some more 2-inch heels that my feet can handle. (I was tempted to say "that my feet can stand" but it was too similar to something my dad would have said while I was growing up--- to which my response would have ultimately been a pity laugh and groan all in one. Daaaaaaaaaaaaad... )

Today we went to church as we often do, but last night I didn't get everything laid out and ready for church which made this morning a scramble. I'll admit I tried on 3 different outfits before deciding on this one. It ended up being cutesy and casual and comfy. I'm a fan. Of course, now I'm home with baby crawling all over the place and a husband working out in the yard, and am contemplating putting on my sweats to do a little housecleaning and decorating. Such is life.
I hope you are all having a beautiful weekend and that your Sunday is comfy cozy!