

IT is a GIRL

Last week my sister and I were both using that phrase because on Monday I had my 19-week ultrasound and, luckily, all of my little baby's modesty was left at the door. Then on Thanksgiving my little sister gave birth to her first child, a beautiful Jewel Marie. As my sister and her husband chose not to find out the sex during pregnancy, it was a wonderful surprise to learn we are both adding girls to the family. My doctor says she doesn't count on anything till birth so I guess there's always a chance our girl will be a boy who will later learn to hate that we referred to him as a she for 4 months in the womb. But until proven wrong, I am going to plan for pink, pink, pink!


  1. This is SO exciting, Heidi! It is also exciting to follow your pregnancy via your blog and FB..I cannot wait to find and see more! Thanks for sharing!

  2. it's a girl!!!!!! thanks for letting us know
    and congrats to your sister
    hope you doing well
    think of you often

  3. YAY! How exciting. Have fun decorating and shopping! We are having a boy and the shopping is slim to none. Time to bust out plain onesies and embroider my own designs!

  4. yay! I'm so happy for you! Post some pics!!


Hello there! Thanks for the note. I love hearing from you! You are a blessing to me! <3