

the doctor prescribes RUCHING

Happy Monday, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful and well weekend. I haven't been sleeping well lately and I have finally figured out why. My bed is definitely lacking some ruching. I am sure that if I was covered in deliciously intricate ruching, I would settle into beautiful ruching-filled dreams so much easier... 


  1. any of that bedding would make me so happy.....
    hope you are sleeping better

  2. Oooo! This is very random. I saw the anthropology rosette quilt several weeks ago, immediately fell in LOVE with it, and have been searching for an affordable version ever since. I have been searching and searching and was about to give up. I tried one last google search - I typed in ruched bedding, and your blog popped up. I clicked on it, and fell absolutely in love with everyone of those options. The first picture from West Elm is my winner - it's on sale and the most affordable. I am buying it! You have NO idea how happy this makes me! My room is complete. Thank you! :)

  3. Katie- Yay! Glad I could help! And actually- that's the same one I ended up buying and just love it! : )


Hello there! Thanks for the note. I love hearing from you! You are a blessing to me! <3