

adopt an OUTFIT

Sherwood Forest Romper

I have seen this Sherwood Forest romper on three different sites in the last week. I am pretty sure that must be a sign that it is supposed to come home and live with me. And of course, if I'm going to give the romper a home, I can't leave these poor Sam Edelman sandals out in the cold... 

... and if I'm making a home for rompers and sandals, I shouldn't discriminate against this Buoyant Bib Necklace...

... and a necklace won't feel at home without another piece of jewelry to keep it company, so I just have to adopt this ruby ring...


... and now my good deeds for the day are done-- another outfit has found a loving home. It feels so good to give back.


  1. i can't believe the romper & sandals weren't already in your closet. it's so you!! :)

  2. I'll take one of each please! Those sandals in particular are KILLING ME!

    Oh, and as for painting and landlords? Let's just say that what mine doesn't know won't hurt him ;)

  3. That is so humanitarianistic of you! (is that a word?)

  4. That romper is adorable!! I love your blog.. just found it :)

  5. waht a great assortment....hard to say no once you get started...


Hello there! Thanks for the note. I love hearing from you! You are a blessing to me! <3