

a pretty home for your PRETTY JEWELRY

I am always in the market for a cute jewelry stand because there is a bit of an overflow problem with my jewelry box. This stand from who made it is just what I am looking for. It would be so cute sitting on top of a dresser in your room or closet. 

Or if you are a handy person (*cough* Barb *cough*), I am sure you could come up with a DIY version using thrifted plates, or mismatched plates from your own kitchen. I have a big 'ol list of things to paint, reupholster, and repurpose for our remodel/redecorating project, but I might just have to tack this to the end of it.


  1. hee hee!! You crack me up..... I'll work on this and you'll be the first to get one! :) they are fabulous!

  2. Barb- You don't have to make me one (unless you REEEALLY want to), they just reminded me of something you would enjoy making. : )

  3. Once I made one of these by myself! Out of bottle of water.


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