


Have I ever introduced you to my dear little kitties? I don't think I have! Shame on me! Hubby and I don't have children, but we do have cats. Here they are in all their stretched out glory. Yogurt (Yogi for short) is our white furball and BooBoo is the tabby (yes, Yogi and BooBoo). They are brothers and we adopted them a year and a half ago from a local animal shelter. We went to the shelter to adopt one kitten and came out with two. How could we separate siblings? I'm glad we brought them both home because they adore each other and I can't imagine how sad they would have been in separate homes. They are two of the sweetest, funniest and most loving cats you'll ever meet. 

Oh, and Yogurt is terribly photogenic, and I think he knows it, while BooBoo is not, but BooBoo is perfectly fine staying out of the limelight. That's all. I just thought you should meet them. They make me smile and I like to share the things that make me smile. : )


loving LISTS

I LOVE to make lists. I make lists when I'm bored, I make lists of what I want to accomplish, I make lists of ideas, I make shopping lists of every kind. I just love to make lists- even if nothing ever gets marked off of them- like "just for fun" extravagant shopping lists. As I was catching up on my daily blog reading, I came across the most wonderful book at decor8. And when taking a look at it on Amazon, I learned there is more than one. It's part of a whole series! I am sure you can guess where I am going with this. 


I introduced Alison Kendall to you back in November. I was thinking about her work the other day and decided to check and see if she has anything new to share. I'm glad I did. She has added these gorgeous pieces to her art gallery. Now if only I could have one of my own to stare at every day.


smitten with TRYST

I love jewelry. I love unique, vintage, feminine jewelry. I love earrings and necklaces and the occasional bracelet or ring. I am often guilty of buying a piece of jewelry that I have nothing to wear with, and I have to find an outfit to work around my new earrings. But I don't mind. Fabulous earrings can make the outfit. Since etsy showed up on my radar, I have found too many beautiful and unique pieces of jewelry to count. It's impossible to keep track... well, except by my overflowing favorites. One of my new favorites is tryst out of Toronto, Canada. Each piece is so sweet and eye-catching and will add instant charm to any outfit.

sprite .
forest keeper .
lola .
sienna . ring .
english tea roses .
in love .
sakura branch .
sepia locket . blue jay .
mint julep .


sometimes I miss you... SOMETIMES

I was laying in bed trying to take a nap an hour ago and I couldn't fall asleep. Sometimes my mind is just moving too fast to fall asleep. I ended up thinking about the remodel- in with some new ideas and out with some old, and then I started to think about the last house hubby and I rented. We lived in it for a short 8 months and I won't glamorize those months- it was in a loud location (think semis driving by in the wee hours of the morning and a bar two blocks away), the layout was not very livable (the only shower was in the very back of the house while our room was in the front), and the house made so many noises that I was often sure we were living with vermin or ghosts... but... that house had a LOT of potential. It was a 1908 craftsman home and had much of the original hardware, wood, window seats, molding, and innumerable beautiful details. Sometimes I wish that we could swap houses and have the craftsman home in our country location I love. Then other times I realize that is impossible.

Isn't is pretty? Yellow with white trim: one of my favorites.

The view from the front porch when the rose garden is in bloom. Don't ask about the bus.

The living room.

The window seat in the living room is to the left. One of my favorite features.

Another sitting room to the side of the living room.

The itty bitty kitchen.

What I am sure was supposed to be the dining room. Original fireplace and china hutch.

You poor wasted house. I hope someday someone will adopt you and love you back to beauty. (I am sure this is still for rent or sale if anyone is looking to live in Sonoma County.)


happy rainy WEEKEND

Looks like it's going to be a rainy weekend. I'll be looking for the sunny moments of the weekend in the midst of the rain. I hope you do too!


nice to meet you, BRENDAN CASS

I am loving the works of Brendan Cass (found on Katy Elliott's blog). For quite some time now hubby and I have been looking for art that resonates with both of us- something we both love. As soon as we saw Brendan Cass' paintings, we were in agreement that if we had thousands to spend on a painting, it would be Brendan Cass' Ultrecht. His translations of nature and the world around us are beautiful with a colorful, dreamlike quality. I appreciate that the tone of his paintings is not too serious and that there is no rigid perfectionism in his style. He presents a rose-colored view of his travels that makes you want to visit each location and enjoy the simplicity of its beauty.



Lake Guarda


le blog de BETTY

How cute is this girl? If only I was as creative with my clothing as this darling... and if only I owned so many pairs of boots. I love to spy into her daily wardrobe. You can too.



I won a contest! I won these beautiful Brooklyn Things earrings over at Heart Handmade.

I am so very excited. Aren't they gorgeous? 
Thanks, Marichelle and Katya!

SO good

poster via ReForm School

I am wanting this poster for the living room. It's so sweet. And we (hubby and I) are so good together. : )


is it really SATURDAY NIGHT already?

photo by me

Happy weekend--- even though it is almost over! : )



the brilliant work of Yulia Brodskaya - first seen on oh joy!
Who knew paper was capable of so much?